Platform price is a standard introduced by LivesOne to support “dynamic pricing strategy”. The standard represents the average market price of LVTC within a period. Calculation: Get “daily weighted average price” based on exchange data of “average price per hour” and “trading volume per hour” Get “7-day weighted average price” based on exchange data of “daily weighted average price of seven days in a row” and “daily trading volume” Get “Platform price” based on all exchanges’ (for now, OCX and CoinBene) data of “7-day weighted average price” and “7-day total trading volume” Platform price will be calculated every day. This will provide a relatively stable price while showing the market fluctuation. The use of dynamic pricing enables the CNY price of a product to turn into LVTC price according to the platform price on the same day. It’s easier for merchants to list their products because they only need to set CNY prices.
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