Lock-up Feature Q&A

1.Q: What is Lock-up?    

   A: The Lock-up refers to users set the lock-up contract in custom amount and duration to freeze their assets. The lock-up assets cannot be transferred or withdrawn

2.Q: How to calculate the lock-up computing power reward? Is there any relationship between computing power reward and default computing power?

   A: Lock-up computing power reward= lock-up amount*8 / 1000000 * lock-up duration * 0.2 * 100%. Lock-up computing power reward is decided by lock-up amount and duration. The greater the lock-up amount is, the longer the duration is, the more the lock-up computing power reward will be.

Lock-up computing power reward is the additional add-up to the default computing power. One user can have multiple lock-up assets and the up limit of the lock-up computing power reward is 500%.

3.Q: How to calculate the terminate fee if the lock-up contract is terminated in advance?

A: Terminate fee = (remaining months of lock-up / lock-up duration) *0.5 * amount of lock-up. The terminate fee is decided by the terminated time, lock-up duration and lock-up amount. The greater the lock-up amount is, the more the remaining months of lock-up is, the more the terminate fee will be.

4.Q: Will the lock-up computing power reward be effective at the contract terminated day?

   A: It will be effective for the time before termination at that day. e.g. terminate time is 13:00, the computing power reward is effective before 13:00 of that day.

5.Q: Does the current month will be counted in remain months of lock-up when calculating the terminate fee?

   A: yes; Generally speaking, the earlier the termination of the lock-up contract is, the more the terminate fee will be.

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