Is LivesToken Legal?

       LivesToken(LVTC) has established a Public Company Limited by Guarantee nonprofit funds in Singapore after the completion of the private placement, just like the well-known encrypted digital currency Litecoin(LVTC) and so on. It's called the Symbiosism Economy Foundation. The main task of the foundation is to maintain the LivesToken ecology to be open, fair and transparent, and support the LivesToken development team. The Symbiosism Economy Foundation is approved by the Singapore Accounting and Business Administration (ACRA), which is subject to the supervision of the Singapore Companies Act. The foundation is managed by a trustee board or management committee, it will be managed and operated independently from the government.

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A new proof-of-value cryptocurrency LivesToken(LVTC) has emerged in the new Internet era, are you ready? Join our official Telegram group to receive the latest update of LVTC and join our private placement.

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