About multi currency

1.What is multi-currency system?

Multi-currency system enables users to use tokens of cryptocurrencies other than LVTC in their asset management like top-up, transfer, payment, trade and withdraw.

2.What can multi-currency system bring?

  • Lower cost of token transfer.
  • Speeding up the transaction
  • Unified payment process/management
  • Easier, quicker, safer experience

3.How to transfer for each currency? Is there any fee to transfer?

After multi-currency system went live, we support transfer of several currencies. Each currecy's transfer fee differs from others and will be charged pro rata. Please refer to below table:


Minimun Transfer Amount

Daily Transfer Limit Fee Rate Fee Cap
LVTC 100 1,000,000 1% 5,000


100 0.1% 100
BTC 0.0001 5 0.01% 0.0002
EOS 0.2 1,000 0.05% 0.1

4.In the long term, what does this update mean to the whole project?

Multi-currency system going live symbolizes LivesOne's platformization. It is a significant move towards the Token Economy.

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